About Us

The club organises Holidays, Coach outings & Theatre trips; fortnightly Kurling, Short Mat Bowls and Line Dancing ; monthly Pub lunches, Ten Pin Bowling, Petanque; and holds Rambles, a Book Club, Quizes, Gardening, Safari Suppers etc.

Also, as we are affiliated to KentARA our members can take part in the many additional activities that KentARA organise.

MaidARA has a President & Vice-President & is managed on a day to day basis by a Committee of 10 members that are voted for by the Full members at the Annual General Meeting every year. We have a Constitution that is based on a version agreed by the umbrella organisation - Kent Active Retirement Association (KentARA).

Our President is Cheryl Nicholls.

The present committee and their jobs for 2023 - 2024

Chair Terry Shorter
Vice Chairman
Secretary John Hare
Treasurer Jenny Waterman
Membership Secretary Barbara Hare
Gillian Alexander
Holidays Stephen Brittain
Outings Joint Effort
Pastoral Care Pauline Horwood
Audio Vince Nicholls